Bloganuary Day 29: My favorite sports to watch and play

Bloganuary writing prompt
What are your favorite sports to watch and play?

Moment of truth here, I am not a sporty person. There I’ve said it.

I have not always been this way, you know? There was a time when I used to actively partake in, and enjoy sports. Cricket, football, and badminton were my favorite games. Gradually, as I grew up, I lost interest in cricket and football, even though I used to follow cricket and watch cricket matches on tv, like the rest of my friends. I was starting to embrace football at one point, but a knee injury in my teens set me off. Since then, I have not played sports. After the 2011 World Cup, and the commercialization of cricket, I stopped following the game as well. All this time, I still kept in touch with badminton though, albeit casually.

These days, I casually follow cricket and football on TV. Sometimes I follow F1 Racing, and I glance through Olympic matches when they are on TV. I have been casually following some American Baseball, my love for New York City made me a Yankees fan. Even though it’s not been a good run for “The Bronx Bombers” of late, that team has my heart, and you will spot me wearing a Yankee hat every now and then. 🙂

For the 2022 Football World Cup, I rooted for Argentina from the very beginning, pretty much like the rest of Kerala. It all started when I promised a colleague at work who hails from Argentina that his country is going to win the world cup, when we met at Denver Colorado in 2022 November. I don’t know why I said it, but I said it out of the heart.

The rest as they say, is history. I gathered around with scores of football lovers at the afterparty of WordCamp Kolkata 2022, to see Lionel Messi lift the football World Cup for Argentina. What. A. Moment. My colleague and I would later celebrate virtually in Slack. 🙂

Other than all that, the only “sport” I “play” apart from badminton, is swimming. No, not competitive swimming, but swimming as a hobby. I love being in the water, and swimming is just a leisurely sport. I could spend hours on the pool. I am also doing some light running practice with the goal of running a marathon someday. I don’t play badminton a lot either, my games are few and far in between. I hope to change that this year!

My goal is to be more active this year, and I think pursuing these light “sports” will help me get there. 🙂

This post was written as part of the Bloganuary challenge of Bloganuary is a month-long challenge, where bloggers are challenged to write a new blog post every day, based on a daily writing prompt. You will need a account to get the prompts, but you can blog on any platform of your choice – OR even journal privately. Oh btw, there is no bloganuary police – so you can pick your own prompts if you wish to!






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