Bloganuary Day 23: Five Things I Do for Fun

Bloganuary writing prompt
List five things you do for fun.

Who doesn’t love having fun? As I have shared earlier in this blog, I am a big fan of the idea of NOT taking life too seriously, something I’m embracing more and more in life. In this context, I am getting more and more enamored of doing fun things. Or even finding fun in the things around me.

For the sake of today’s bloganuary prompt, I am going to list five things I do for fun. But really, there’s a lot of things that I like doing for fun (and I am also discovering new ways to have fun, while I am at it).

Here goes nothing…

  • Travel is the top rated fun activity in my list. I have wanted to travel all my life, even when I didn’t have the means to do it. I used to cherish even the tiniest opportunity to travel and to make the most out of it back then. Today, I get to travel a lot, and I absolutely love it. Travel is so much fun, I enjoy even the parts that others find boring, like flight or train journeys. I like being out of my comfort zone, visiting places that I have never visited before, and just basking in the joy of a new destination. In fact, I am writing this post while traveling. 🙂
  • Reading I want to be honest with y’all – I used to be a book hoarder whose TBR list far exceeded their read list. I am actually actively working on changing this though. Reading used to be a favorite pastime. I rediscovered it in 2022, during my sabbatical from work, and I am actively reading these days. If you will apologize in advance for my bragging, I have already read 5 books in 2024, and my goal is to read 52. I absolutely enjoy reading now, and have a solid reading routine going on. I love reading because it is such a brain stimulant. Reading helps you create new worlds in your mind with your imagination. Reading challenges, enriches, and enthralls me. I hope to read many more books this year, and have so much fun while I am at it.
  • Learning Languages is a fairly recent fun activity that I picked up, which is giving competition to my other fun pursuits. Thanks to Duolingo. After a failed attempt in 2020 and 21, I picked it up seriously in 2022, and have been a regular learner ever since. Per Duolingo, I now have A1 level proficiency in French, and I’m on the way to securing A2 proficiency. Duolingo makes language learning so much fun with their challenges, games, and what not. It is in no way perfect, but helped me build a learning habit which is also fun!
  • Playing with my cats could knock all my other fun activities out of the park. Cats are so much fun to be with and mine are the best. Ikru, Boo, and Auro never leave a dull moment in our lives. Their presence itself is fun, and playing with them is in an entirely different league of fun altogether. They are such floofs and they make my life so much better with their carefree antics.
  • Hanging out with my dear and near ones is another fun activity that I absolutely adore. Even though I’m an ambivert, I enjoy being around people, especially my close circle of loved ones. I could spend any amount of time with them. Usually, time spent with my loved ones end up with me losing myself in racuous bouts of laughter too.

Like I said before, these are just five of many many more fun things I would love to do. I am continuing my pursuit of finding fun in everything around me, and I am simply enjoying the fact that we have fun everywhere around us.

Yes, even in the midst of tough situations.

And that is the beauty of life!

This post was written as part of the Bloganuary challenge of Bloganuary is a month-long challenge, where bloggers are challenged to write a new blog post every day, based on a daily writing prompt. You will need a account to get the prompts, but you can blog on any platform of your choice – OR even journal privately. Oh btw, there is no bloganuary police – so you can pick your own prompts if you wish to!






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